May 27, 2009


This is a collection from one of my friend, which I would like to share with you all as there is a perfect message for us.

All record breaks concentrate on the previous performances... that's why
everyone achieves better not the best...

If sky is the limit, then no one is
our competitor...

let me say one incident..

A boy in a mathematics class
fell asleep, at the end of the class when he saw the blackboard, there was a
problem for assignment. Waking guiltily, he copied the sum and went home.. For
the whole night he worked out... worked out and worked out.. He found a

Next day when he showed this to the master, everyone and the
master of course wondered.. because master has ended the class by saying no
one has found a solution for this puzzle..Hence no one in the class tried.. as
this boy is unaware of this fact, he worked out and found the
solution..Miracle happened...